You can view past updates by visting the updates archive!
February 13, 2007 - New news and results from the 2007 Winter Cup Challange.
November 13, 2006 - New news and results
October 14, 2006 - New pictures from the 2006 USA National Championships
September 8, 2006 - New news and results from the 2006 USA National Championships.
July 29, 2006 - New pictures from the 2006 National Qualifer
July 16, 2006 - New news and results from the meet this weekend!
July 12, 2006 - Sorry for the lack of updates, I dont have much news right now, but I did clean up the font on all of the pages as well as fix the 2001 Worlds and 2002 National Qualifers picture galleries.
February 19, 2006 - New news and pictures from the 2005 National Championships
September 3, 2005 - New pictures from 2005 National Championships
August 12, 2005 - New news and results.
August 11, 2005 - New news from Nationals. Pictures coming later this weekend!
July 17, 2005 - New pictures on misc page 2! Sean has been preparing for the 2005 USA National Championships that will take place in under a month!
July 1, 2005 - New news, results, and pictures!
June 8, 2005 - New pictures from the 2005 American Cup
June 2, 2005 - Fixed a date on the schedule, new pictures from the French International, and fixed the guestbook!
May 23, 2005 - New news and results. Sean's site has moved to a new location due to a server issue, we're sorry for the inconvinence... PLEASE update your bookmarks to www.kristypage.net/seantownsend. Thanks!
April 29, 2005 - New news
March 4, 2005 - New news and results
February 8, 2005 - New news, results, and an updated schedule
November 28, 2004 - New pictures from the 2004 Rock 'n' Roll Tour, updated the schedule page, & added some new poll answers!
September 26, 2004 - New pictures were added from the 2004 Rock 'n' Roll Tour & a new poll answer
September 1, 2004 - New news, new poll answers, & an updated schedule
August 19, 2004 - New pictures from 2004 National Championships, 2004 Olympic Trials, & 5 new poll answers
August 5, 2004 - There is some new news & updated Sean's schedule.
July 31, 2004 - The entire site was redone with a lot of new content, updated biographies, etc. There is also a new layout!
July 25, 2004 - New news, articles, poll answers, & poll question.
July 2, 2004 - Results & Pictures from 2004 Olympic Trials have been added along with three new poll answers!
June 26, 2004 - Lots of news from the Olympic Trials
June 24, 2004 - Lots of news from Olympic Trials and a bunch of new pictures from Nationals!
June 4, 2004 - Awesome news and results
June 2, 2004 - New news!
May 31, 2004 - There is a new article and a ton of new news!
May 5, 2004 - I'm so sorry these updates took so long to do! I've been pretty busy! There is new news and results!
March 30, 2004 - new news, results, and pictures from the houston invite and in the misc section have been added!
March 28, 2004 - new news and results
March 7, 2004 - new news and results were added
February 26, 2004 - new pictures from winter cup and new pictures from 2003 world cup
February 11, 2004 - new pictures from winter cup and in the misc section
February 8, 2004 - new news, pictures, results, and articles
February 6, 2004 - new news, pictures, and a new article
January 30, 2004 - new news and some new poll answers
January 6, 2004 - new news and a new article
January 2, 2004 - two new poll answers
December 31, 2003 - new pictures from 2000 olympic trials and 2003 national championships, fixed some stuff in the misc gallary as well!
December 26, 2003 - new poll answer and updated the teammates page!
December 23, 2003 - there are new pictures on the new misc pictures page 2 and in the 2000 TJ Maxx Gallery! We would like to wish every one a Safe and Happy Holidays from Sean Townsend Online!
December 9, 2003 - new news and results
December 6, 2003 - new news, new results, & two new misc pictures
November 28, 2003 - new news and two new poll answers
October 4, 2003 - new poll answer
September 10, 2003 - new photo gallary: 2003 american cup, 12 new 2003 Nationals Pictures, and some new poll answers
August 30, 2003 - new layout is up, new poll question, and tons of random updates that were majorly out of date!
August 24, 2003 - 8 new misc pictures
August 20, 2003 - 2 new misc pictures
August 19, 2003 - 4 new misc pictures and a new poll answer
August 16, 2003 - new news & added 10 new misc pictures
June 23, 2003 - new news, new poll answer, new articles, new results, and an announcment on the main page.
June 21, 2003 - new pictures from nationals and some new articles
June 20, 2003 - new news from nationals!
June 19, 2003 - new news and new articles
June 16, 2003 - new poll answer and put back up the 2001 Worlds picture gallary!
June 8, 2003 - awesome news has been added and there are two new poll answers!
June 3, 2003 - new news about nationals!
March 21, 2003 - new news and new results have been added along with a new poll answer
March 1, 2003 - new news and results from the American Cup as well as two new poll answers!
February 22, 2003 - new news, two new poll answers, majorly updated results page, majorly updated schedule page, and updated the TV Times Page!
February 7, 2003 - new news!
January 16, 2003 - new news has been added!